We provide you with a cloud management platform so that you can view, report, predict, and optimise your investments across multiple public cloud service providers. From high-level reports for business and finance teams to specifications on individual instances for technical users, Cloud Analytics provides individualised information on usage and costs.

Find out more about your investment with the help of thorough scheduled reports.

The total cost of utilising cloud-based services consists of opex and variable costs, so cost management requires frequent, automated reporting. Customers are provided with regular and automated reports detailing their most recent cloud usage and expenditures. You can use charge-back reports to chargeback or distribute expenditures to the appropriate initiatives or business divisions.

Utilise actual and amortised data to get a complete picture of cost evolution with Cloud Analytics Service.

  • Keep track of any expiration dates for prices or services.
  • Create recurring reports for monthly and annual forecasts of expenditures.
  • Utilise notifications regarding customization expenditure and usage to monitor deployment issues.
  • Export individualised or consolidated reports for specific accounts.
  • To improve chargeback, distinct P&L reports based on specific services must be developed.

Forecast-based Cloud Spend Analysis

To effectively manage your cloud expenditures, you must conduct a comprehensive analysis of prospective costs while taking into account growing business requirements. With the aid of our Cloud Analytics tool, you can easily forecast cloud expenditures based on historical trends, present consumption, and anticipated growth.

You can with the aid of Cloud Forecast Analytics Service

  • Budgets for prospective cloud applications must be developed alongside usage growth projections for existing applications.
  • Create feasible budgets for each endeavour or department.
  • Create competing scenarios to compare various cloud service providers, instance types, and purchasing options.

Forecast-based Cloud Spend Analysis

To effectively manage your cloud expenditures, you must conduct a comprehensive analysis of prospective costs while taking into account growing business requirements. With the aid of our Cloud Analytics tool, you can easily forecast cloud expenditures based on historical trends, present consumption, and anticipated growth.

You can with the aid of Cloud Forecast Analytics Service

  • Budgets for prospective cloud applications must be developed alongside usage growth projections for existing applications.
  • Create feasible budgets for each endeavour or department.
  • Create competing scenarios to compare various cloud service providers, instance types, and purchasing options.

Improve Your Cloud Spending

The variable opex-based cost model of cloud computing offers new opportunities for cost reductions, but it also necessitates brand-new approaches to avoid waste, optimise expenditures, and achieve superior TCO for the cloud. Users frequently overprovision capacity or neglect to delete temporary resources that are surplus.

Choose between on-demand and reserved pricing models when utilising cloud-based virtual server and storage services.

  • To enhance capacity planning, simulate consumption and price “what-if” scenarios.
  • Determine unused reservations as well as possible relocation or modification options.
  • Remove all storage volumes that are unconnected.
  • Observe instances that can be shrunk due to inefficient CPU or memory usage.
  • Compare the pricing and efficacy of the service provider to other comparable
    instances from other cloud service providers.
  • Respond proactively to alerts generated when actual or anticipated expenditures exceed budgets.