Supply Chain Practice

Complete Services for Your Unique Business Requirements. Your Company is unlike any other.

Supply Chain Management provides a complex ecosystem designed to make your supply chain function precisely as desired.
IndiDigix enables you to continuously optimise, digitise, and enhance your global supply chain while managing exceptions actively.

End-to-End Services for
Your Unique Business Needs


Business Intelligence Requirements Management Process Consulting: As- Is, To-Be Roadmap Design with Visibility into Deadlines and KPIs Change Management Assessment: Problems


Configure Patches Development, Quality Assurance, and Production Environment Management Upgrade Batch Observation Incident Management Preventive Maintenance & Fixes


Superior instruments and methodologies Modern Infrastructure Accredited Procedures E-Testing Lab Help Desk Support


Integration of Conference Room Pilot Systems Global Rollouts Programme Administration Interfaces Configuration of Service Contract Support

End-to-End Services for
Your Unique Business Needs


Business Intelligence Requirements Management Process Consulting: As- Is, To-Be Roadmap Design with Visibility into Deadlines and KPIs Change Management Assessment: Problems


Configure Patches Development, Quality Assurance, and Production Environment Management Upgrade Batch Observation Incident Management Preventive Maintenance & Fixes


Superior instruments and methodologies Modern Infrastructure Accredited Procedures E-Testing Lab Help Desk Support


Integration of Conference Room Pilot Systems Global Rollouts Programme Administration Interfaces Configuration of Service Contract Support

Supply Chain Practice

Supply Chain Practice, Cloud Services, Analytics Market Research, Business Strategy, Business Process Outsourcing, and More Are all Areas of Expertise at the Global Consulting Firm IndiDigix.We aid our customers in stifling innovation through digital transformation. We help our customers downgrade their technology by means of digital change. We help businesses make their outdated technology suitable for the digital age.

Complete services for your business's unique needs. No other business is like yours.

Supply Chain Management gives you a complex environment that is set up to make your supply chain work exactly the way you want it to. You can use IndiDigix to improve, digitize, and optimize your global supply chain while actively handling any problems that come up.
With more visibility, supplier compliance hurdles can be cleared. As a business grows, buying becomes a key to its success or failure. Keeping an eye on, evaluating, and judging suppliers from different sources can have an effect on their total goals. Here's how we helped a global lifestyle brand standardize its supply chain processes to keep track of what its partners were doing, keep them in check, and help them with their plans to grow globally.

Complete services for your business's unique needs. No other business is like yours.

Supply Chain Management gives you a complex environment that is set up to make your supply chain work exactly the way you want it to. You can use IndiDigix to improve, digitize, and optimize your global supply chain while actively handling any problems that come up.
With more visibility, supplier compliance hurdles can be cleared. As a business grows, buying becomes a key to its success or failure. Keeping an eye on, evaluating, and judging suppliers from different sources can have an effect on their total goals. Here's how we helped a global lifestyle brand standardize its supply chain processes to keep track of what its partners were doing, keep them in check, and help them with their plans to grow globally.